Ohio University Office of Career Services

Networking a Key Component of a Comprehensive Job Search

With research indicating nearly 80% of jobs not being posted, networking becomes an essential component of a comprehensive job search strategy. Networking is the ability to build alliances with people that understand your skills and abilities, and can ultimately provide job leads or contacts to assist with your job search and career growth.
Some basic points to keep in mind while networking are:

  • Always be honest and genuine with individuals you interact with.
  • Potentially everyone you know, interact with, or meet is a part of your network.
  • Don’t be afraid to approach successful people that have the contacts and resources to help you.
  • Be visible and active in organizations as a means to continually build your network.
  • Be knowledgeable of those with whom you are establishing a network. Background information on the person and the organization for which they work is essential to building rapport and maintaining relationships.
  • Netiquette – Understand what is considered proper behavior while on the internet.
  • Have a clear understanding of your skills, abilities, what you’re looking for, and be able to communicate this clearly and concisely to others.

—Thomas Korvas, Career Services Director